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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Zara for Ladies

Ladiez... the Zara's is here for you. Affordable, you can't find it in MidValley or Sogo or KLCC or Mines (ada jual ke Zara kat sini) with this price :)...Believe me u won't regret!
Interested - email to us at and leave your hp no so that we can call you. Don't forget to give the code no of the stuff that you are interested. Prices are fixed including postages.All stuff are guarantee in good condition.....

LZ 002- New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75
LZ 003 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (black). Size S RM75
LZ 004 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM100 - SOLD
LZ 006- New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75
LZ 007 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75 
LZ 008 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75 - SOLD
LZ 009 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size L RM75
LZ 010- New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75
LZ 011 - New ZARA Ladies T shirt (white). Size M RM75


  1. includes pant n jean. Can't wait fr yr new one...
