Folks, item for today, kids stuff for sale. Cute little baby shoes
Interested - email to us at and leave your hp no so that we can call you. Don't forget to give the code no of the stuff that you are interested. Prices are fixed including postages.All stuff are guarantee in good condition.....
KS 001 - NEXT baby shoe. Size 3 (12-18mth) RM35 |
KS 002 -NEXT baby shoe. Size 2 (6-12mth) RM35 |
KS 003 - Next Baby Shoe Size 3 (12 - 18 mth) RM35 |
KS 004 -NEXT baby shoes. Size 2 (6-12 mth) RM35 |
KS 005 - St Bernard Baby shoe. Size 3 (12-18mth) RM30 |
NEXT branded High Street chain of Men's, Women's and Children's fashion clothing...